Glenbrook South High School
Class of 1966



Reunion Details


2016 Reunion

Then & Now

History Quiz

Contact Info

Welcome to the GBS Class of 1966 website.  This site provides information about the class and its activities.


New: 2022 Class Reunion - We had a very successful reunion on the weekend of October 14-15, 2022l Here is a link to some of the pictures that our classmates took during the reunion activities: Pictures

An interesting piece of trivia: During World War II, there were two German POW camps located very close to Glenview. What were the names of the camps and where were they located? Answer: U.S. Camp Skokie (in Harms Woods) and Camp Pine (in Camp Pine Woods by Dam No. 2 near the intersection of Lake Ave. and Des Plaines River Road)

Here is a cute reunion poem, courtesy of Gwynne Hookanson French

2022 Class Reunion - Pictures

It is hard to believe that it has been 56 years since we left the hallowed halls of GBS.  We held a very successful class reunion to celebrate this major event.  It was held in conjunction with the GBS 2022 homecoming activities.

Here is a link to some of the pictures that our classmates took during the reunion activities: Pictures

Activities included:

Friday Night
October 14
GBS Football game vs. Glenbrook North - Glenbrook South won!!
October 15
● Homecoming parade

● GBS School Tour

● Class dinner: Hackney's on Lake - 6:30 PM

October 16
Things to see and do around Glenview (Click Here)

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