Glenbrook South High School
Class of 1966




Reunion Details


2016 Reunion

Then & Now

History Quiz

Contact Info

History Quiz

This page contains a bunch of questions about our experiences at GBS.  Answers will be provided at the Reunion.

  1. What was the mascot of the swim team?  Where was it placed during swim meets?
  2. What was the name of the metal sculpture?
  3. It was moved to the bottom of what nearby pond?
  4. Who moved it to the pond?
  5. How tall was Mr. Baumhardt (without his shoes)?
  6. What was the minimum length for girls skirts?
  7. In 1961, students got to vote on (decide) what major feature of the new high school?
  8. Who frequently dressed as Batman and Robin?  Hint:  There were actually two Batman and Robin duos. 
Please send us additional suggestions (preferably with answers) for our history quiz.



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