Glenbrook South High School
Class of 1966



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2016 Reunion

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Around Glenview

If it has been a while since you visited Glenview, some things have changed.  This page provides some ideas for things to see and do if you are visiting.

The Village of Glenview has put together a web page highlighting things to do when visiting Glenview.  Some sights that might be of interest include:

The Glen
Glenview Navel Air Station is gone.  The land has been sold to private developers and a large number of houses, office buildings and commercial establishments have taken its place.

The Grove National Historical Landmark
The Grove is a 123 acre prairie grove land on the east side of Milwaukee Avenue a little bit south of Lake Avenue.  It is preserved and maintained by the Glenview Park District.  It was the home of horticulturist Dr. John Kennicott.  He settled here in 1836.

ABT Electronics
Several years ago, ABT Electronics, a large, independent electronics and home appliances dealer, moved their store to an impressive facility on Milwaukee Ave. a little bit south of Lake Avenue in Glenview.

Historic Wagner Farm
In 1997, Rose Wagner, the last surviving member of the Glenview Wagner family, died.  Glenvew Park District  purchased the farm in 2000.  It now offers a working farm, museum, and farmer's market.


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