Glenbrook South High School
Class of 1966




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Then & Now

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Then and Now

Then - 1966


Now - 2016
The idea of a man walking on the moon was science fiction. Man last walked on the moon a long time ago. Man last walked on the moon an even longer time ago.
Cost of Living:
Average income: $6,899
New house: $14,174
New car: $2,653
Average rent: $120/month
Movie ticket: $1.25
Gas: 32 cents
Stamp: 5 cents
Sugar: 55 cents for 5 pounds
Milk: $1.11 a gallon
Coffee: $0.90 a pound
Bacon: $0.72 a pound
Eggs: $0.36 a dozen
Ground beef: $0.45 a pound
Bread: 22 cents a loaf
Cost of Living:
Average income: $??
New house: $293,000
New car: $28,400
Average rent: $700/month (a guess)
Movie ticket: $6.58
Gas: $3.04 a gallon
Stamp: 39 cents
Sugar: $2.50 for 5 pounds
Milk: $3.00 a gallon
Coffee: $3.20 a pound
Bacon: $3.40 a pound
Eggs: $1.25 a dozen
Ground beef: $2.50 a pound
Bread: $1.07 a loaf
Cost of Living:
Median household income (2014): $%3,657
New house: $365,000
New car: $33,560
Average rent: $1,231
Movie ticket: $8.66
Gas: $2.00 a gallon
Stamp:  47 cents
Sugar: $3.20 for 5 pounds
Milk:$3.41 a gallon
Coffee: $6.50 a pound
Bacon:$6.11 a pound
Eggs: $1.68 a dozen
Ground beef: $4.23 a pound
Bread: $2.32 a loaf


The United States was fighting a war in Viet Nam The United States is fighting a war in Iraq The United States is fighting ISIS
George Orwell's 1984 was far off in the future 1984 was over 20 years ago.  What has come true?  What remains fiction? 1984 was over 30 years ago.  What has come true?  What remains fiction?
There was turmoil and conflict in the Middle East There was turmoil and conflict in the Middle East There is turmoil and conflict in the Middle East
Music Favorites:
I'm a Believer - The Monkeys
Cherish - The Association
Good Lovin' - The Young Rascals
Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys
Hanky Panky - Tommy James and the Shondells
Last Train to Clarksville - The Monkeys
Monday, Monday - The Mamas and the Papas
Summer in the City - The Lovin' Spoonful
Wild Thing - The Toggs
Music Favorites:
Check On It - Beyonce Knowles
Be Without You - Mary J. Blige
You're Beautiful - James Blunt
SOS - Rihanna
Stickwitu - Pussycat Dolls
So Sick - Ne-Yo
Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
Bad Day - Daniel Powter
Walk Away - Kelly Clarkson
  • A Man for All Seasons
  • Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf
  • Manos, the Hands of Fate
  • Blowup
  • Fahrenheit 451
  • Batman
Movies (Top grossing for 2005):
  • Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • War of the Worlds
Movies (Top grossing for 2015):
  • Star Wars ep. VII: The Force Awakens
  • Jurassic World
  • The Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Inside Out
  • Furious 7
  • American Sniper
Sports Winners:
World Series - Baltimore Orioles
U.S. Open Golf - Billy Casper
Indianapolis 500 - Graham Hill
Stanley Cup - Montreal
NCAA Basketball - Texas Western
College Football - Notre Dame and Michigan State
Heisman Trophy - Steve Spurier (from Florida)
Sports Winners (2005 or 2006):
World Series - Chicago White Sox
U.S. Open Golf - Geoff Ogilvy
Indianapolis 500 - Sam Hornish Jr.
Stanley Cup - Carolina Hurricanes
NCAA Basketball - Florida
College Football - Texas
Heisman Trophy - Reggie Bush (from Southern California)



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