Glenbrook South High School
Class of 1966



Reunion Details


2016 Reunion

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2016 Reunion Details

Friday Night
October 6

Football game - 7 PM - GBS Titans vs. Evanston
Fireworks - 9:30 PM

We are given alumni status. Just tell the people at the gate that you're with the GBS Class of '66 reunion. We'll have a block of seats in the bleachers.

For after the game activities we've left it open. However, Ted tells us there's a new Microbrewery in Glenview on Waukegan Road just north of Glenview Road. 
We have reserved a block of rooms at the Marriott Courtyard at Lake St. and Milwaukee Avenue. The discounted rate will be given if you use this link: Book your group rate for GBS Class of 66. The room rate is discounted to $99-$109 if you reply by September 23rd. If you are planning to book a room, please also let us know. We can increase the number of rooms, if needed, but we have to adhere to that deadline.
October 7
Homecoming Parade - If you want to march under the banner of '66 you're very welcome. Be at St. David's Episcopal Church (NE corner of Shermer and Glenview Roads) at 9:15. The high school has asked us to let them know how many are planning to march in the parade. We have to let them know by OCTOBER 1ST so please email us if you plan to participate. For those of us who are not early risers, the parade itself starts at 10:00 leaving St. David's Church and going down Glenview Road to Jackman Park. 
GBS School Tour - Saturday 11:30 AM.  The school has grown quite a bit since we attended!! The tour will be lead by current GBS students.  Please let us know if you would like to join the tour.
Afternoon Nap or tour Glenview
Reunion Party - 6:30 PM - Hackney's on Lake - 1514 E. Lake Ave, Glenview, IL 60025 - 847-724-7171

Dinner will be a VERY INFORMAL gathering. We booked the Shillelagh room at Hackney's on Lake. It's all cash bar and food with $5.00 per person at the door to pay for the room and bartender. Please let us know as soon as possible if you'll attend.

Several folks have offered to bring their memorabilia to share so if you have any keepsakes that you'd like to contribute, please feel free to bring them.

We will have name tags with your high school graduation picture to help you recognize your fellow classmates if you have not seen them in a while. 

Registration - Click Here

October 8
● Golf anyone? or
New things to see and do around Glenview (Click Here)

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